If you are looking for the best psychoanalytic care or simply want further training on how to deepen your own clinical excellence, you have found the right web site. Both as a seasoned and accomplished psychoanalyst and life-long teacher to those in training, I have spent my professional life mastering the quirky inner world in which we all really live. Let me help you master yours for a more gratifying and meaningful life.
© 2025 by Douglas J. Van Der Heide, M.D. | All Right Reserved
We are all aware that psychoanalysis is a major commitment in terms of both time and money. The very idea of maintaining a three, four or five times a week schedule is difficult to contemplate, particularly before seeing first-hand the value of this process.
Perhaps equally daunting is the cost for such an endeavor. My standard fee is usually $425 for a 45-minute hour. I do offer some reduction in the fee depending on circumstances but this treatment, by its very nature, is not easy to afford.
Insurance companies can and do vary enormously in what they can and will cover for this unique treatment. A few of them have come to recognize the savings of not paying for the consequences of unattended mental health issues including: hospitalization, rehab from drug or alcohol, down work time, and depression with its usual assortment of related health manifestations.
The insurance companies most able to support analytic treatment are Empire Blue Cross, Champus and Aetna. If you feel adventuresome, you can try to reach out to them and ask about reimbursement for procedure code for psychoanalysis 90845.
This whole process must feel very strange to you, no matter your level of experience or interest. I believe in the work sufficiently to offer you an introductory meeting for $200. I think perhaps this time may help cement your interest and help us find a way forward for you to avail yourself of this remarkable form of treatment. This might include perhaps starting out at twice a week, perhaps giving you time to confirm insurance reimbursement or make whatever professional or life changes are necessary to allow increased sessions and analytic work to proceed.